Fitz Life

By Fitz

Cheeky Squirrel

Took Fitz Jnr for his morning constitutional in Queen's Park today and met this little chap peeking out of the bushes. Apparently you can eat grey squirrels, although I don't really fancy one myself. How could you? Lookit 'is ickle face!

It seems we are in for a bit of sunny weather over the next week or so, although the park is still streaming with water after yesterday's deluge. It is also swarming with dogs, many of which are using it as a toilet. Some people are even walking three dogs.

Don't get me wrong, dogs can be nice. However, there should be a cap on the number of them allowed out to foul the streets. Leave that to the squirrels. They don't have anyone to clean up after them and they're only wee.

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