Survival Camp

This morning 40 scouts set off in small groups to walk into camp. I had a delightful patrol of new recruits; enthusiastic, interested in learning, and fun. Much to my delight they even wanted to learn the names of the wild flowers I pointed out to them. I was in my element! They also learned to orient the map, use some basic compass skills and they really enjoyed pacing.

Once at camp the scouts tied up their hammocks and rigged up shelters between the trees. We whittled tent pegs and used the shavings as tinder to light fires. The rain just held off luckily but there was no sun for using cling-wrapped water bombs as lenses, sorry, as I know a few of you were intrigued by that idea.

I learned how to skin a rabbit and then cooked a beef hotpot over the fire.

Fun kids, a great set of adult leaders and a super day all round. I came home to sleep having decided my back isn't yet ready for a hammock, but a good day none the less. (See, I am being sensible!)

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