twinned with trumpton


An early bike ride, then an early brunch.

Before heading into town to pick up the ladies and then off to Dundee. (We all picked a horse for the Grand National and had 50p each way bets; G picked the winner and I got 3rd place at 100/1 so we had about £50 to spend on a day out for all)
We had thought of swimming in Perth but G knew of the new place in Dundee so off we trooped. Gorgeous sunny day, no aggro, and we duly splashed and flumed and swam and were bounced about by waves.

Then dinner out; (OK so the not very exciting Newhaven Quay, but they felt grown up) before we dragged our tired bodies home and into bed.

It properly felt summery in the sun.
And - I must go back to Dundee with a camera (and possibly a bike). I'd not been for - 10 years? Much to point at and shoot.

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