These two....

.... have fallen a little bit in love this weekend. They've spent a lot of time together and I think it's helped the healing process for both of them. Mrs Bert is being playful, friendly, affectionate - she hopped with excitement yesterday afternoon when Katie went out to her. Katie spent half an hour singing a song about how she loves her Bert and wants her to be happy. We made some toys for her yesterday including a cardboard hidey house and she is having fun with a wicker plant pot that she can gnaw and throw. 

No band tonight, to her disgust. Apparently it's only ever 4 weeks a half term, so B explained last night, due to funding limitations so they've had their four this half term and finish by July 4th for summer. But she's going to do clarinet tonight and we did piano this morning. She was pleased to crack a first phrase of a piece she'd decided she was going to learn, plus worked well on a problematic ending in a different piece. She's better getting the hang of the fact that it's not an insult to her if something needs practising a good number of times, and that a way to fix a piece is to pick out the sections with issues and do them lots. As B says "you don't practise until you get it right, you practise until you can't get it wrong"... she's getting that! 

She's been quite excited for school today as they have an artist coming into school today as part of their Arts Award work. They've started a piece in the style of this artist. They also had a homework due today to draw a favourite book of theirs & explain why they like it- she chose Katie and The Sunflowers by James Mayhew. So she's done a picture in the style of the Van Gogh Sunflowers and written all about the painting and the book. A very arty day ahead for her, I think. 

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