My favourite perfume

I didn't go very far today - as the cats were playing hard to get again I gave up and went for a short walk round the lanes by myself, introducing myself to some new neighbours in passing.

I came back without a Blip, so posed this potful of variegated lily-of-the-valley on the fence.Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata' has beautifully  striped foliage though the flowers are the same as the normal species. It's pretty stable, but as you can see in this picture, some shoots do revert to plain green leaves and these must be removed.

If you pot these up, however, you're quite likely to get some striped leaves from them at some point, which can be put back with the originals!

There are a few other striped cultivars, but they are said to be less stable than this one. There's also a pink-flowered variety which is debatably a different species and a double-flowerd clone, the latter being really just a curiosity.

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