Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Busy day at granny's

Another rubbish night thanks to an overtired baby and the hot weather.

We went across to my parents house this afternoon and Henry had a lovely afternoon with them. We had lunch outside and I was glad he was just in a nappy as he was smearing houmous all over himself, and my sister caught him shoving tzatziki down the front of his nappy then pulling the bits of cucumber out a bit later and eating them - yuck!

Dad had filled up an old tin bath that some distant relative (great grandma possibly?) used to use to make rice wine in. Henry had a great time splashing and pouring water, and he managed to soak all the crusty food off as well. He was very pleased with himself and had kisses for everyone afterwards.

I can see massive changes in his development at the moment. Physically he's pulling up and wanting to stand all the time, and instead of crawling walks on his hands and feet like a little bug. He's definitely saying "cat" when he sees them now, plus lots of "no"s and "ta" when he gives you something - his speech is improving almost day by day.

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