One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Late arriving, late leaving

I arrived at the station this morning to find that my train had been cancelled. The announcements gave no reason why (therefore, I assume they couldn't be bothered, after all if there was a real reason they would have given it).
The next train was almost 30 minutes later (and as it was late it was 30 minutes later), and also meant that I didn't get a quick change at West Hampstead.
So I arrived 45 minutes late, which made it difficult to refuse to stay a little late to assist the support guys who were trying to resolve a problem on a system that I had installed. I left an hour later than normal. 
According to the National Rail website I should have had a 30 minute wait at West Hampstead, but I found this train to St Albans, where I changed and arrived home 10 minutes earlier than the website's choice of train.
Glad I wasn't 20 minutes later - that train was cancelled too.
Such are the joys of commuting by train.

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