Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Robin redbreast

I went into the store today to meet Ann, a very good friend of mine who I've not seen for ages. We used to work together constantly before I started working globally but now we see each other so rarely. I received my birthday present - just a month late, which was quite good after last year, when I didn't get it until July and Ann had to wait three months for hers!!
It was lovely to catch up with her, but both of us are so busy that we were both in different meetings between 9am and 13:30 and then 14:30 until 16:00. But we did manage lunch together which was lovely.

I left work at 4:30 to pop down the road to Risley for a bit of bird watching, but discovered that it shuts at 5pm - so only had around 2O minutes for a quick wander.
Note to self: leave work earlier when the sun is shining!!

I did see a robin, a great tit and a squirrel, none of them particularly is the robin.

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