Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

A New Zoo Denizen

A first for me. Not the first groundhog we've had around here, goodness knows - they're the reason I basically stopped bothering to plant peas and beans - but the first one I've actually seen in a long time, and definitely the first one I've ever seen helping itself to the bird seed! Another *just happened to glance out the door* moment.

I was actually on the phone with the vet, who was reporting the results, as he saw them, of the x-rays he had just taken of Swee'pea's knee. I tried to stay engaged in the conversation while shifting the phone to hold between my left ear and left shoulder, so I could grab the camera and catch the whistlepig (another of their names, along with woodchuck) before he ran off. After I got a couple of shots I tapped on the window to encourage him to move along. Which he obligingly did. It does rather explain why some days it seems to me that the birds eat an enormous amount of food. He eats more, and faster, than a squirrel, I can tell you that!

And Swee'pea is none the worse for wear after her visit to the vet this morning, and will be seeing a surgeon early next week - Tuesday - to see what he recommends. Looks like another $2000+ dog may well be in our future... Hey ho. What can you do?

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