Yucca Blossom

We watched an episode of Wallender last night (based on the books of Henning Mankell and starring Kenneth Branaugh)  in which he flew to  Capetown? Johannesburg? to give a talk at a conference...a talk which he has yet to prepare. He checks into his hotel, sits down with his computer and writes three words. Then he becomes involved in a series of events which would put off just about anybody but Wallender. He drives around the bush by himself, finds bodies in unsavory places, becomes involved in an election, talks a hired killer, a young boy, into coming back to Sweden with him, only to see him killed about an hour later, climbs towers and throws somebody off...oh and the previous episode ended with him having a brain scan….At the end of this episode, he goes back to the conference, gets up to give his speech, but then walks out without explanation,  packs up his computer with the same three words on it and goes to the airport. 

A potent comment on the pointlessness of conferences and generic speeches when confronted with real life, I assume was the message and not on the fact that Wallender had nothing to say. Although he is a rather taciturn and gloomy fellow. 

I, on the other hand, have nothing to say because nothing has happened. No bodies, no gunshots, no gorgeous African policewomen, no buzzing flies or feelings of foreboding, not even a mysterious map or a drive along a long deserted road….my mind is a blank, my imagination is taking a break.

I did manage a  picture of the yucca flower in our patio which is almost as tall as I am. Yuccas don't flower every year, but when they do, it's quite a show.  If it seems like there should be a metaphor here, there's not. At least not one I can think of. It's just the only picture I took today. 

I'm sure I will be in a better mood tomorrow. 


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