
These little dears expend so much energy running around that frequent naps seem to be in order.  

If you check my Extras today you'll see......wait for it.......a squirrel!  My daughter kept telling me that one (or more) would show up sooner or later and that I just needed to be patient.  I think it's a young one because it doesn't seem to grasp the peanut feeder concept yet so I tossed peanuts at him which didn't go all that well either.  I hit him on the nose a couple of times but he still didn't seem to get it.  Also have an Extra of a disheveled heron -- can't imagine what happened there, and one of our resident osprey balanced precariously in a treetop.  Don't know how he managed that.  You'd think his weight would make that impossible, but there he was and there he stayed for a very long time.  

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