Life is Good

In the main. 

Awoke to the news that my company is merging with a competitor. This is not a surprise but the timing is. I hadn't envisaged this happening for another 12 months at least. News like this raises questions about my decision to leave but having read about the company we are merging with (sounds like they now own us BTW), all of those reservations melt away. They sound like the not so benevolent twin of my company so if I was staying it would be a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire.

In other news, a big riding disappointment last night. There is a hill that features regularly in our rides and I consider it my biggest riding challenge to beat my personal best every time I tackle it. Current personal best is 3:52 and last night I went for it like my life depended on it. It helped that I met countless cars coming down as a I rode up and I had an image of the bad ass cyclist to convey so I found some energy reserves from somewhere. I know it was fast but Strava, the app I use to get my segment times let me down and didn't record it so it doesn't count. Sh*t. Now I have to see if I can replicate it and I'm doubtful. Sometimes in life we produce a one off performance out of nowhere for reasons that we can't explain and I think I just had mine and it was not captured for posterity. Sigh.

P.S. No spaghetti was harmed in the making of this picture (see additional image). With this technique, just open a tin of Alphabetti Spaghetti and you can write your own message without having to rummage through the mess on the plate for your desired letters.

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