
By SadlerStar

Toy Taxi

Miss Tilly and Miss Izzy came for tea tonight and stayed until bedtime as their mum has gone to London on business. No 1 son came to collect them and in the excitement of getting them, their school bags, seatbelts fastened and chocolate buttons dispensed, sadly the favourite soft toys were left behind. Miss Tilly is always within 10 metres of Baboos her little hippo and was not at all happy to be at home without him. Her Dad told her he was in a taxi and on his way. She rather liked this story and so was happy to wait in her cot for him to arrive. ...... She fell asleep! At least he will be there when she wakes in the morning.
We drove through St Peter Port on the way home from the mercy mission and watched the golden sunlight on the yachts in the marina. It only lasted about 5 minutes and then was gone.

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