Lomond Sunset

Very late home tonight after a wonderful day out.
Full of variety today ; morning in the garden, saw 3 butterflies in the garden and blipped them , very pleased with these images, thought" That'll do me for today's blip."

Went to Crarae gardens in the afternoon, had a lovely time wandering up the glen, some lovely light there and got some waterfall blips, then lots of flowers and insect blips. Definitely spoiled for choice. No time to blip any of these as we were heading back down the loch to Dumbarton for another pre - season friendly , this time against St Mirren, meeting up with our grandsons at the Rock. Cracking game ,we won 0 -0 , seems a daft thing to say but we had the better of the play , bodes well for the team as the new signings are fitting in well with the old team players, great to see good football from both sides and what a great keeper Adams is for St Mirren, otherwise we we would have won by at least 2 goals.

Watching the second half the sky to the West was lighting up beautifully , almost crimson. So on the way home I fired off loads of shots. gorgeous light on the Carman Hills with the pylons marching across, almost selected that as my blip but the view from Firkin point with the pinks and mauves is my favourite, had to take it hand held at a high ISO so a wee bit noisy despite some noise reduction work on it.

Will try to upload before we head off tomorrow night or it will be back blips on Sunday.

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