
Son2 will shortly be leaving Bristol after 5 years as a student there (although I doubt he'll be able to keep away for long).
On a day of brilliant sunshine we stopped on the way back from London to pick up some of his gear - only to find he hadn't started packing it quite yet. "Well, you were half an hour early..."

A variety of shopping bags, boxes, and pillowslips was commandeered and random items crammed in until the car reached capacity. The remainder he will have to bring home under his own steam. (There has already been a load delivered.) And those of his belongings that are in other locations will have to be gathered in, or not.

Scatty is an understatement in this boy's case. I have long held the belief that a large proportion of the space debris that orbits our planet is actually composed of my son's lost possessions since primary school: clothes, shoes, hats, bags, wallets, tickets, bikes, phones...

Oh well, if you're talented, handsome, popular, kind, witty and creative you can't expect to be organised too.

Here comes....

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