
I cycled with Mme A and Ferelith for the first few kilometres of their première étape: 83 km to Jedburgh. This was the last I saw of them! 

When last heard from, they were making good progress but had already had to find a bike shop to get A's gears fixed. From Jedburgh there's another 1550km and 19 days to go before they reach A's home village in the south of France. As well as, hopefully, fulfilling A's long-held ambition they are also raising money for Book Aid International.

After sending the requested photos and report to a contact at the Dauphiné Libéré---who have to find a daily item for A's village and seem to have found this story of two ladies cycling there from Scotland to be newsworthy---I set off for a two-hour outing in the Pentlands from Nine Mile Burn to Flotterstone. Fortunately this was with a neighbour so we could chat as we were walking/running in thick cloud into the stiff wind and rain which was, hopefully, propelling the ladies south.

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