
I'm sure I say this every year but I have the same experience every year. The sun comes out one day in May and there is this sudden realisation that everything has turned green. Actually, it hasn't been quite so sudden this time around. Being unavoidably slowed down I've been able to witness the buds form and the leaves unfurl from the trees that surround me. I moved into my new flat when the trees were bare. I don't have quite the same long views now but that's more than made up for by the feeling of living in a forest!

This post marks five years worth of blips. I was hoping to fill my holes by the time of this anniversary but that has been scuppered by various events. It's been quite a journey. The words have all been said before so I'm not going to reiterate anything here. I seem to have lost a lot of my normal drive at the moment, but the desire to take the camera out each day is still very much there. I've been incredibly grateful for that continuity.

After going away for a few days I know that I've come a long way in recovery from my head injury, but I've also been reminded in the last few days that there is still some way to go. I'd like to offer thanks here to all my working colleagues for picking up the slack and giving me the time I need. I've always had an incredibly strong work ethic so this recent period of inactivity has been very strange indeed. It's felt like I've been catching up on a lifetime of sleep deprivation! 

Thanks finally to all the people who drop by on blip, and especially for all the support and advice this last few months. I apologise for my absence here in failing to visit so many good friends and great people, and all your fantastic journals. I fear I've been a very poor community member for some years now. I'm hoping there will be a point soon when I will have both the time and the energy to contribute more. I only ever seem to have one or the other! 

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