
Another rubbish sleep. Every morning I wake at 5.15 (or thereabouts), have a coughing fit, and then can't get back to sleep. It's like I've got a part time cold, in which I only get the symptoms in the early hours of the morning.

Anyway - I headed to work, stopping at a new coffee place on the way (need to find the best places for my caffeine fix now work has moved) for my morning coffee. I'm glad I did. Got to work to find all 4 charges still at home. By 10am it had reduced to 3...and stayed that way until I left at 7.30 this evening.

One was under the weather, the others were just 'at it'.

I managed a trip out to the Botanics with them in the afternoon, just as it started raining (which it's still doing at 10.30pm). Last week we spotted a mama duck and her5 babies. This week it was 4. All very cute and happy to run around my feet.

The rest of the day was spent baking, reading and giving cuddles to a sickly little boy.

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