Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

John Barleycorn

John Barleycorn must die.

Nearly ready. Any day now. Will it be bread or go to the local micro breweries?

Not a rant.....
I have been impressed by the quality of the acting in the series The Hollow Crown. Last year we drove past Agincourt (Azincourt), as we did so this raging nutter wound down all the windows and hollered, "One Nil!" Wound up the windows and continued on my way, a happy chappy.
A week later we were wandering through a mediaeval village in the Gironde, as we passed a cafe there was a guide informing two American visitors that, "Ze Breeeetish landed at Bordeaux, routed the French army and pillaged the area, zen zay went on to attack Bergerac." At which point he paused, so I filled the gap with, "We won that one as well!"

Mrs Booty doesn't often hit me but she did, then chuckled as the French type was nearly bursting a blood vessel in frustration.

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