Friday Foto

By drmackem

Settling In

Settling in

But first an update on the opera epic


Opera 3 of the Ring Cycle last night, in which there wasn't a bad ending, assuming you're not a dwarf, a giant, a god, or a dragon, which is pretty much every one I know.
So Seigfried ( whose twin parents shockingly got it together last night before his dad had a quick demise), is brought up in a cave by a dwarf. We meet him again as he passes to adult hood. He's basically not very nice, has anger problems and sadly serious abandonment issues. Anyway the tale apparently requires some one without fear, so in he steps into the breech and forges the sword and then kills the dragon and the dwarf for good measure, threatens a passing god with the same.
He then climbs the the mountain, though the flames, still fearless and then casts his eyes for the first time on a woman...and becomes gripped with fear...I'll leave you come to your own reflections on that.
Said woman Brunhilde wakes from enchanted sleep and they then fall in love after a 20minute duet where she becomes acquainted with no longer being a god and he becomes acquitted with the lady changing her mind twice a minute before ending the nights show with an embrace and a kiss (no one seems to care now that they are Aunty and nephew).

Today as a bit of light relief I've become white van man for the day moving B into her first house of her own up in the Northeast, sat now lounging like she owns the place...which I guess she does.

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