POG's Journal


New beginnings...

As always i was drawn to the seafront as Southsea to do my little walk... Mr Fitbit says i should do 10,000 steps a day... 
For some time I've been thinking of moving but have been trapped between two thought-trains. 
1) Move to a bungalow with plenty of land so i can built a giant garage and tinker with my cars when i eventually get to retirement.
2) Sell the cars and get a place in central Southsea and just enjoy the location as there always appear to be lots going on. Sadly in my price (i would need a million (well close to it)) i could not have a place that could indulge my interest in cars.
Anyway I think i have decided to go to Southsea and would like one of these 7 houses... they are about 50 foot from the Seafront and the 3 nearest to the camera have sea views. Now the only real problem is that none are for sale at the moment. so my master plan is to be totally ready to purchase one as soon as they come on the market... My current home is quite a bit bigger so i thought i could start de-cluttering whilst i'm waiting...

It's always good to have a nice dream... you never know lightning might strike.

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