blooming lovely

It's been a good day... 

We had little un's foster carers over for lunch today... the first time we've all met up since last August.  Tiddlypom was in her element, she seemed really happy and comfortable with everyone, and was enjoying having us all there together and being the centre of attention.  We couldn't really have asked for a better meet up,  and we're going to try and make it a more regular thing. It's really important for little un to keep those bonds and connections alive, they're lovely people and they were fantastic foster parents. They gave little un all the love and stability possible, and they have also been really supportive to me and Dave ...

There's the old saying that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family, well I'm finding as we go on through life, that we actually do have the powers to choose... We chose little un,  and now we have the opportunity to help her build her wider extended family, and to join up the dots of her life... so that's gonna be the plan ...

Needless to say, that whilst it was a great visit it was also emotional for everyone, so after lunch and saying good-byes,  we then headed out to enjoy the sunshine...  for a scoot,  a walk in the woods,  some inspecting the daisies and the local wildlife and a trip to the play park... followed by an argument about going home with a slightly overtired and over buzzy wee one... finally home to wrestle through dinner, bed and bath routines... 

but overall a lovely day... 

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