Dereliction Captured

It has been a glorious day here in Kintyre.
The runners in the Mull of Kintyre Half Marathon and the Mull of Kintyre 10K were probably hoping the weather would have been slightly less warm but the spectators had a lovely morning to get a view of the runners taking part.
Hopefully all those from the shop who took part had an enjoyable time, I shall hear tomorrow how they did :-)
We headed south to Southend to enjoy a walk on the beach at Carskey Bay.
I was even brave enough to go in for a paddle as my extra shot shows.
The shoes were off and the jeans were rolled up :-)
My image this week is of a painting I have done from a shot I took for a previous Derelict Sunday.
It's of a little derelict house just as you enter Southend
I hope you like my rendition :-)

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