Football daft!

Today Dex had his 6th birthday party. We hired a local sports' hall for a couple of hours and invited all of his class and his friends from kin-ball (who have been his friends since he was 15 months old), and although it was noisy and energetic it was so much fun. For my husband and I, this was a pretty easy party for us to organise, as we're both quite energetic ourselves. Dex wore his new Everton kit, as did hubby, and Olivia and I wore Belgian kit! I organised the teams, and other activities for those who didn't want to play football, and hubby was the referee and a player. In fact quite a lot of the Dads joined in, as we invited parents and siblings to stay and join in with the fun. At half time they were all smiling and sweating and ready for some birthday cake! And, yes, I made the classic football pitch cake complete with plastic players and goals - it went down a storm. More games and football afterwards before our time was up. 
Even though Dexter's team lost 2-1, he took it really well!
This birthday formula was such a success athat Dex has asked if we can do the same next year!

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