twinned with trumpton


Up at six to get the soup heated, the sandwiches made and on the road by 7.
3 hours later we were at the southern end of Haweswater, and out walking into the bright sunny almost warm morning. Around the southern end, and onto the east ridge of High Street (which takes you up over a Hewitt (Rough Crag) and ever expanding views of the reservoir, and the hills across the other side which look oh so inviting.

After a couple of hours, she nabbed her first Wainwright (213 to go) (My 3rd) and enjoyed an astonishing panorama, especially across towards Hevellyn. But the one I most want to get after is Ill Bell; so as we plodded across to Mardale Ill Bell we hatched a plot to come back soon and camp / climb.
3rd summit done, we descended into somewhere out the scenery department of Heidi and sat and ate mushroom soup / cheese pieces.

She was home in plenty time to deal with returning daughter, I came home to apply cream to the bits I missed with the sun screen.

A good day. A decent adventure.

Rest of the day's photos are here  

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