Life's Journey

By AndrewFyfe

Bovine Light and Shade

Dover - Shetland Day 10 (yesterday was actually 9)
Holbeach - Lincolnshire

Distance cycled: today 89.6km, total 841.2km
Ascent: today 25m, total 4049m

Highlight: uneventful day on almost totally flat Tarmac paths and old railway lines alongside waterways. This meant new trip records for lowest daily ascent and fastest average speed (17.7km/hr).

Lowlight: once again wind, with a strong buffeting wind into my face just about all the way. Some brief research confirms that prevailing winds in eastern England are south-westerly (i.e. behind me), although more wind blows from north & north-east in spring-time. More from the north today as well, so let's hope summer arrives soon.

What else: my meteorological research also turned up the fact that eastern England is the tornado capital of the U.K., a country where there is a higher density of reported tornadoes than anywhere else in the world! My source does however note that the UK's tornadoes intensity are much lower than the ones in the US, which is good news as I might be pressed to outrun one on my bike!

Photo: having earlier taken some photos of real cows (it is quite rural in these parts) I came across these splendid sculptures alongside the long stretch of old railway between Boston and Lincoln. The position of the sun makes it look as if the cow lying down is seeking shade, with the standing one still topping up its tan.

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