A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Why Don't YouTube?

As I was having my make-up done by a blindfolded daughter as part of the Blindfolded Makeover Challenge, and as I was preparing to drink my milk, custard, baked bean, strawberry, hummus and strawberry jam smoothie as part of the Smoothie Challenge I was thinking that YouTube had a lot to answer for. Being the inspiration it had been for this unfortunate series of events. SAK - Seven Awesome Kids channel if you are equally inspired. I am assured it is all entirely age-appropriate. We escaped the potential joys of the Eat it or Wear it Challenge on the basis that Anna's hair is a nightmare to untangle at the best of times.

So there I was cursing the existence of YouTube when it occurred to me that we would probably have been equally inspired to do such things by Why Don't You, the kids' TV show from the 1970s with the brilliant theme tune...Why don't you just switch off the television set and go outside and do something less boring instead?

Happy to report a pretty good day here. J got a good night's sleep and woke up back where he was before yesterday's dip. Mainly a home day with a couple of escapades for dog walks and to the garden centre. Some garden tidying, quite a lot of netball/basketball/norulesatallball, and some cleaning. Interspersed with the aforementioned challenges and a final challenge of What's in the Box? made quite civilised by the decision not to include foodstuffs. Even though he was only a spectator Carlos hadn't quite recovered from watching us take a sip of our smoothies. Anna's containing: coconut milk, soy sauce, coriander, golden syrup, chocolate and passion fruit yoghurt.

Now for some real food - sweet potatoes nachos and chilli, a glass of something chilled and fizzy, and The Big Short.

Lesley x

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