Clark Kent the Trike

Reborn !!!!!
into Jaci's Clark Kent
I spent the most of the day in the remaking of Clark Kent the trike !
he came to me bashed !. rusty ! needing new brakes! and his ultimate need was a new chain that was very slack ! 
sometimes you need to help others to help yourself ! I needed Clark he needed me!! :-))  
see extras of how he changed into Hollyhock boy !!!
Clark is now me and me him we will venture out together YES !!!!!!
With the power invested in me we will go uphill   YES!!! might not do downhill can be a bit fast  but hey! I am trying never had a bike of any sort I am over 60 lol,
so sorry for not blipping my time is short and my problems loads but I will try very hard to conform to it all. happy bank holiday MONDAY BLIPPERS  xx

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