All you need is love

By pascolicious


After a somewhat awful day at work, I got home only to find that my wireless had crashed. I spent at least an hour at my desktop trying to figure out if it was the modem, the router, or the internet all together. I called Comcast and all they did for me was reset my modem and hook it directly to the desktop. Great, my desktop has internet but I never use it -- it's my parent's computer because I have a laptop.

So, after much aggravation and frustration, I left.

Went to Portillo's to pick up food, then to Dan's to eat said food.
We'd planned to go see our friend, Lee, perform at an open mic night.
While eating, we were watching On Demand Fuse and who's video comes up in the list?


So we watched that.. and then headed out to watch him play in person. It was awesome.

Came home and fell asleep to Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

One of the best parts of my day was coming home and seeing the box which contained my birthday present from my parents. LOVE.

A year ago today...Steve's cat.

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