tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Hey, wotcha lookin' at?

The group of five calves were enjoying a siesta while their mothers grazed at the far side of the field. Typically, young herd animals remain together rather than tagging along with the adults but that doesn't mean they are ignored.  As soon as I hoisted my camera from across the boundary bank the watchful mothers commenced a rapid amble (if that's not a contradiction in terms) towards the nursery group. The first cow to arrive stomped up with a piece of grass hanging out of her mouth like a cigarette: maternal vigilance not compromised  by the drowsy afternoon.

Blip inspiration and motivation are flagging, as some of you may have noticed. After 5 years there's little that's new to  write about in my neck of the woods and  my life is uneventful in the extreme. I'll  stick around but may be a less frequent contributor in future.  Maybe.

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