Spelling is important

If the spelling had been correct, I would have ignored it. However, my inner teacher screamed "No! Write it out correctly, five times, in the margin in green pen"

John 1:1-4 is "in the beginning was the Word..."

I am not a religious person. I have deep issues with having a belief system that is based around the stories of a man born of a Virgin mother who had miraculously conceived at the whims of an invisible but omnipotent God.

Some days I wish I DID have faith. The scientist and the rationalist in me will not allow me to have faith. Some days I don't even have faith in myself and I am real, so to have faith in an intangible deity...I just don't.

However, I respect an individual's right to have faith in whichever God or Gods that they wish. I wish we could all just get along.

I studied religious education at GCSE and A'Level and I really enjoyed studying the prophets of the Old Testament. More so, I valued that I had an opportunity to study the different religions and faith systems of our world.

So, ignoring the fact that the reference has been carved into the paint on a local park bench (and it's not the only one), PLEASE, religious vandals, if you must share the 'Word' please spell the names of the biblical saints accurately

(No offence is intended by this post).

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