Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ


Blaine is self taught, but for the last couple of years has attended private lessons to get through piano exams, he has done well in the short time he's been playing and has another piano exam coming up soon, so has been practising very hard recently. I love hearing the sound of him playing from his bedroom and will often turn down my music or TV just to listen to him.

Aiden and I took Lola to the vet this morning for boosters, then visited my Mum for a while, walked with her and the dogs, then walked home, then popped into town to pick up Passport renewal forms, I also found a 4Head Stick which I'm hoping will help get rid of my frequent headaches so that I can stay away from Paracetomol for a while.

I have been fighting off a headache again since lunch time and have applied the 4Head Stick, so far it's not got any worse but isn't completely going but that's ok as long as it is bearable. Going to bed early.

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