Spoilt for choice today

As winter continues with a vengence, the opportunities for a blip remain challenging. Today's choice is between this image of the now completed houses in Mote Park or a dish of bubbling lasagne topped with lightly browned melted cheeses. For the sake of your health and diets I've resisted posting the lasagne.

A very pleasant day at home, inside, in the dry while the rain pelted down outside, the wind blew and the dark grey clouds blankeded us like a depression. And it is still not forecast to get much better anytime soon. My son in California talks about the June Gloom, this is what we have here at the moment.

The shot here shows the completed houses which I first started blipping in October 2014. You can see the progress here.

Apart from that it was a day of catching up; with blip comments and journals, tasks, jobs and so on. Quite a relaxing day. Made some bread using spelt flour, looked good right up until it came out of the oven where it had baked like a brick. Tasted OK though.

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