Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Chance Blipmeet!

What a pleasure it was this afternoon to stumble upon fellow Liverpool-based blipper (note the camera bag on his shoulder!) the charming and dapper SJB. I just had to ask him whether I could take his picture and, happily for me, he said I could!

He's just about to head off for a week's cycling and camping in France and I'm looking forward to following his progress via his blips

Meantime, here's a song about a French holiday (no, it's not Bonnie Tyler's 'Lost in France', it's 'Mistral' by The Decemberists!)

Thanks very much to everyone who continues to visit my journal, comment on my blips and award stars and hearts even though I continue to be very poor at commenting and acknowledging in return. Life is busy and time is limited but I really do appreciate your ongoing support. And I enjoy my daily visits to your journals too!

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