Time for a swim

A long day today.
First an accident on the road which I was lucky to get past which caused chaos, I managed to drop teenager in time for the boat and then tried to get back past the accident but was delayed for 30 mins due to the accident investigators. Teaching all day but late starting so everything a little rushed. Headed back to Oban and another accident, managed to get passed again but was then late to pick teenager up.

I am now tired but we have visitors who I don't really know and I struggle to be polite all the time. Getting packed for another day at work tomorrow which will be long again and involve a lot of travel.

Roll on the weekend if it weren't for the pesky visitors.
Tired and grumpy as you can tell!!

This shot grabbed while I was teaching, at least the sun was shining and I was in some of my fav places.

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