
It's been fab having our buddy to stay but today was our last morning. We went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks at the cinema before going for lunch at Harvester. My meal was cheaper if I went for a two course option.... Well, it would have been silly to spend more, wouldn't it? And Katie always loves to finish with an ice cream of course - she even sent B a video saying hello and showing her the sundae!

When we got home she did a long piano time. We headed out to do a job in town and discovered a new-to-us sofa in a shop window. On our last move we had to get rid of the one we had, it's been beanbags and cushions for a few months. This arrives Tues. we are rather excited.

Back at home we started a homework project she brought back from school. They have to research an event in history ready to write a diary account of it. She's doing the first performance of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, from the point of view of one of the orchestral clarinetists. The prep involved tulle, colouring in and stick & glue. Gotta love primary school homework! We then started another sticking project. The floor is quite glittery....

We also spent

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