Work in Progress

I don't think I have quite gotten to the bottom* of yesterday's problem, but I feel fine today and thank you all for your good wishes. 

I don't really have time to be sick right now as we have a busy celebration schedule coming up. Actually, we kind of missed Jim's birthday, sandwiched between sporting events, the Memorial Day weekend Peter's birthday and Will's graduation, but I suspect he may have too. Since it is a 'big' birthday, the whole family is going to Las Vegas on Sunday to celebrate properly. We will look after the dogs.

It seemed that I had only just begun my latest quilt project when I ran out of the  interfacing I decided to  iron on to the back of the t-shirt pieces , so I took myself back to the fabric store for some more this morning. An older man was buying some black plastic looking stuff which he was using for a project which he was explaining in great detail to the disinterested assistant who just wanted to know how much he wanted, His wife was trying to help but he ignored her so completely that she threw up her hands and walked off. I had to laugh….

Tomorrow we are hosting parents and grandparents of Will and his friend Ian, who will be graduating tomorrow. I don't know how much we are likely to see of them since they have the traditional 'grad night' all night party, organized by the parents to give the kids a good time, a good sendoff and keep them away from alcohol and off the streets. The parents of the graduates have donated time and money to past events and are therefore
excused from having to do anything this year. It's a nice system and the kids all have a great time. 

There were no grad nights when their parents graduated, but the worries about drinking and driving were real, so  Matt and some of his friends hired a limousine to take them to their prom. The driver got so confused on the streets of San Francisco that Matt swears he  had to drive!

Today is Peter's 16th birthday, and  we will be arriving at a restaurant in three cars from three different directions, but we will  all be together in the end. Our celebrations are having to be kept short and succinct in this season  of celebrations. Happy Birthday, Peter! The coming year will be a busy one for you and I'm sure hope a good one.  I've put a picture of you in the extras which I think says it all pretty well….

* So to speak, and enough said….

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