Smudgy Hues

I do love macro photography, I do love landscape photography and do both frequently. The stuff in between, like still life, abstract and child photography I love too, but do less frequently. Street/people photography I do seldom but wish I had the courage to do more often.

I do love soft smudgy bokeh photography and I guess that is what I did this morning. Originally, because of an overnight shower, I went out early to do a macro on a droplet hanging from the crabapple tree. When I loaded it the colours in the background overshadowed the droplet which appeals. Straight out of the camera except for a light vignette to soften the edges a little.

Some necessary housework done early, then we went for a brisk walk around our country roads before lunch.

This avi I have been playing around with some new software on the lappy, and loaded Blipster to my ipad. Doug on the other hand has been much more productive making soups.....namely spicy creamy pumpkin, thats dinner sorted!!

Hagd blippers


PS....of note is a new shoot on the Crab Apple ready to burst. Spring is around the corner.

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