And Another Thing…

About 100 years ago when The Boss was but a pup his parents brought him to Australia on a Flying Boat. He remembers a bit of this so today we took the ferry to Rose Bay where this adventure had it’s base back then. It was full of boats and as we walked back to town via Double Bay and others we discovered that these once beautiful bays have become gigantic Marina’s which I guess was kind of inevitable.

It was a great walk and Double Bay has been removed from The Bossess’s potential visit list as it rates on the official “VISA” scale at “Highly Dangerous” but he did have a scrummy lunch in spite of that. 

It is not that far at 10 Km but if we did it again we would try to avoid the main roads (noisy). There are some amazing “homes” with harbour views around the bays so maybe walk to Rushcutters Bay and Bus from there. Incase you have not yet discovered this The Google Maps App enables complete navigational freedom and it’s not that bad on data if you don’t have location services running all the time in the background. (iPhone)  

The Boss discovered two VERY important things today.

1…Opal cards can be washed. Guarantees a clean journey.
2…Baileys Irish Cream Ice Cream DOES contain it’s namesake 0.4%  

I am worried that he may never want to go home. 

Pawscript  We just managed get off the exposed bits before it rained so maybe we should have gone to the movies after all.


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