My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Going Down To Liverpool

I'm not actually going down to Liverpool, I have been but that was 24 years ago.

I went to see Transvision Vamp, remember them? their lead vocalist was the very lovely Ms Wendy James.

But that's another story.

My first encounter with this band came courtesy of the O.R.S. (Oxford Road Show), a music programme that was shown on BBC2, it ran from '81-'85 and featured a mix of established and new bands.

This band got a support slot on David Bowies Serious Moonlight Tour and I saw them and him live for the first time, at Murrayfield Stadium on the 28th June 1983.

They had a fair bit of success themselves but eventually went their separate ways.

I never saw them play live again, though I did meet them in Edinburgh when I took some b&w shots of them which looked pretty good, even though I do say so myself.

But do you remember who they were?

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