Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

18... exhausted today - got home a little late last night, or this early morning...walked in the door and passed out. Went out with friends last night...then back to their house to test out their new Wii. I am not a video game fan at all - because I know how easily I could get sucked into sitting there for hours and hours doing absolutely nothing. We had a blast - we actually were playing two games at the same time, I have no idea why...but I found myself bowling and answering Identity Crisis questions! That is the best game ever - funny too!

The Wii was interesting...I kicked everyones butt at bowling...twice! Hey, I have good aim! Yeah, that would never happen in real life! As much as I love to bowl and I even have professional shoes...I suck! ;) Then we played tennis Wii...that was awesome! OK, Ok, so I had fun playing a video game! But it's more like exercise...I mean we really worked up a sweat. I couldnt quite get a handle on my backhand w/ the remote, so I lost at tennis...there will be a rematch tonight!

Blipping my body brush this morning...I've recently picked up dry body brushing again...stopped a while back after I lost the brush. For those who are not familiar, dry body brushing is an ancient practice that's used to get rid of toxins. You can pick up this brush at any local health store - they're about $4 or $5 dollars. You literally just brush it over your skin - here is a video on how to do it. Brushing also boosts the immune system and can reduce infection...most importantly, it stimulates circulation and blood flow. And it really does feel good...exfoliates and makes the skin feel so it quite a glow.

It's finally the weekend! No trip this weekend...which works out great, I have a lot of cleaning and packing to do before I leave Monday...

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