Life's A Beach #1 2016?!

The day started somewhat earlier than expected when MrRoly's stepsister rang at 6am to tell home there was a cow on her patio. She had actually meant to call her neighbouring farmer but clearly she wasn't fully awake either...

Not long after, Smallest wet his sleeping bag so the day began. Beautiful clear blue skies so we explored a little (the campsite is in an old fort - we were next to a gun placement), watched a pod of dolphins (or porpoises?) in Whitsand Bay and waited for the pool to open.

After striking camp, we breakfasted (very late) at The Cliff Top Cafe. It clouded over so we debated whether or not to return to Cawsand for a beach day as planned. Fortunately we stuck with the plan and spent a superb day with the BFs family.

Their younger son is the same age as The Boy, so they went off with a gang of mates and spent the day 'tombstoning'. Eldest, the BF and BF's Dad kayaked with each other and Princess and Smallest had a lovely time just playing on the beach. Unfortunately this is the only photo I have as my phone ran out of battery :-(

We left at 5 after ice creams and had a very smooth run home. Muckies for tea and the car is unloaded, the washing machine going, all 4 children in bed and MrRoly and I ready to collapse in front of crap TV with a bottle of wine. Happy days.

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