Diary of a Techie

By Leighcade

100 - Daisies

I can't believe I have actually done 100 blips!!!!!

I actually thought day 100 was tomorrow (bad calculating by me) and I had a shot planned to do with the olympics and I was going to some cheesy stuff to do with the fact it has been an olympic effort etc..... but turns out I fail!!!!!

Anyway...... We are now also looking after my brothers dog Daisy (along with him, and my nephews as he has had an operation on his foot and can't climb stairs for a bit).

I decided to take a shot of her (click here for a full pic of her), she is a spinger spaniel cross basset hound known as a springbat, she looks like a basset but has longer legs like a springer, to help with the breads bad leg problems.

As this was my 100th blip I didn't just want a picture, I wanted it to be bit specialer so I have made a collage of 99 pics of Daisy, then in photoshop made an overlay with an actual Daisy image (I took offline sorry)

So I give you 100 Daisies for my 100th Blip

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