
After a mammoth day of marking I can now say that I have completed the script marking task and well within the deadlines. This is a back blip, but hopefully I will now be able to catch up with all your journals. So no more work until the middle of September and only then if I get a contract; it also means no more pay until October, except of course for my pension. It also means that I can weed all my borders, which are fast disappearing under the weeds and stinging nettles. I think there might be some before and after pictures coming soon.
Today’s picture is not particularly good, it was taken through the kitchen window, which was starting to steam up; she arrived as I was cooking dinner. Well we think it is a Vixen and due to her poor condition I am wondering if she has cubs close by, as this year she visits at some point most days.

Many thanks for all your kind words yesterday when Bo was lost and found. My bruises are a very pretty colour, but do not hurt, my back is slightly better too.

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