"I have the memory of a Goldfinch."

Or was it a goldfish?
There is currently, on our local commercial radio, an advert for an exorbitant telephone service which, on top of your network fee, charges best part of four quid just to remember the number for you.
The lady "starring" commences with
"I have the memory of a Golfish. ~~~"
It's just that in light of recent Blip I thought Goldfinch more appropriate.

We used to the the proud owners of some Iris Bucharica, which "went down". Last year we were pointed in the direction of  "Iris Russian Kavalergard" as a suitable, more hardy, alternative. I know where it is and it's NOT "here", it's in the front garden.
Not only that, but it flowers in each axil whereas this promises only 2-3 at the apex.
Since we, neither of us, can remember its entry/purchase we'll just have to wait & see what transpires.
There's also a wee Stachys (Lambs' Lugs) appeared hard by and, if I live till I die, I can guarantee we have not bought.

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