Teguise Market

Visit to Teguise Market today.

I managed to burn my shoulders..... after nagging the boys to put some lotion on to! silly me!

It was a lovely place and the boys loved looking at all the stalls.

They both got a new pair of headphones and Jamie got a new watch.

Ru was a bit more reluctant to spend his money!!

Jamie is the complete opposite and wants to spend every penny as quickly as possible!
Infact to the point that I make him wait till he's seen everything on offer incase he sees something he likes better later on.
But today this strategy nearly bit me on the bottom cos by the time went back to get a pendant that he liked at the start all the stalls were closing down and we couldn't remember which one it was at!
A bit of a panic run around the stalls and me feeling really bad about not letting him get it at the time and we finally found the right one and she was still selling!
Phew! Mum was off the hook!

Back to the pool to cool off my burnt bits! and then some more wee drinkies after tea!


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