Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

The electric orchard

So, the PC got really sick on 26th May and it had to go to see the bloke in Town. He thought it would be ready the next day but not a bit of it. We didn't really get it back properly until 4th June.

Meanwhile, I have tracked my parcel and it arrived safely at Sony in Tokyo on Monday 23rd May. I haven't heard a peep out of them yet.
The Canon is all very well but I cannot find out how to tell it where to focus, it just focusses wherever it so wishes with the result that I take hundreds of pictures of the same thing in the hope that at least one of them is sharply focussed on what I wanted.

I could of course download the manual for it but my elfin laptop is not what I want to be reading that sort of file on. Neither is it what I want to use for selecting photos, cropping, or even viewing other people's journals. It's not really a graphics tool.

This is why I have been absent recently and why my back catalogue is a bit lame. Oh how I hope that Sony returns my camera soon! Still, at least we now have the big machine with the big screen now finally running on Windows 10 :-)

26th May
27th May
28th May
29th May

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