
At this point, there was no other word for for my heart beat.  I've only been up this hill once before and it was on Big Blue.  Today, I thought I'd try Little Blue.  All the other hills have felt shorter on my new bike (even if not exactly easier).

This one did not, by any stretch of the imagination, feel even remotely easier or shorter.  

Maybe it was the heat.  Maybe it was because I did couple of hills last night, but I was pretty tired before I even arrived at the bottom.  And then it started.  The hairpins were thankfully empty of traffic but they were decidedly worn away in all the wrong places.  My heart was beating fast for fear of falling off as much as because it was simply hard work.  

I met a couple of cars just nearing the end of the steep part.  In the first vehicle, a lovely lady shouted, "You can do it!"  The next bloke muttered, "You've still got a bloody long way to go!"  At least I knew that I was actually pretty much there in terms of the suffering part, otherwise I might not have found that funny!

That's the last time I cycle up Peat Lane until it's resurfaced.

The appearance of this barn near the top, with the only bit of cloud to be found in the distance, was perfect timing for a welcome pause.

The ride was splendid - wall to wall sunshine and warmth.  

The day was finished off most wonderfully with a visit from dad for a cup of tea. x♥x

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