Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Remote control

Learning how to control my Panasonic Lumix from my iPad - great fun for selfies.

After a turgid day in the office, the garden on a sunny evening was a huge relief. Did a bit of digging and weeding (yes that is dirt on my legs, not varicose veins) and put my feet up with cheese on toast and Jasmine tea (made with real jasmine flowers that we bought in Istanbul a few months ago). Managed the gym and made my heart rate hit the heights (briefly). Rescued Scout from the building site next door. Went to pick TSM up from the station and got attacked by a traffic warden hit squad in a 4x4 who ordered me off the bus stand (yeah right, like we ever see a bus in this part of Surrey at 9.30pm; more chance of being overtaken by a camel).

Also today: had a very brief row with the developers next door on the phone. After I had growled down the 'phone at them Bill just looked at me and said "remind me never to upset you". My moments of irritation are rare but these guys lack any common sense. 

Listening to an audiobook by Tony Judd tonight, a history of Europe since the second world war. My generation doesn't really get it, but things were terrible then and one of the things that has made Europe a relatively harmonious place with trade, collaboration and a tenuous sense of social justice is the EU. I really don't understand people who want to leave Europe;  they are flying in the face of reason and I find the whole thing depressing. 

Shame it's a Monday at 10.45pm. I'm just in the mood now for popping open a bottle of wine and putting on a movie now. Alas I am under the remote control of routine and another day in the NHS tomorrow...

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