
By cowgirl


Phil is my mum's front garden gardener ( I'm not even going to ask how come she has a different gardener for the back garden ... ). He introduced me to a new type of easy fill hanging basket today and then gave me the one he used to demonstrate exactly how easy it is to do.

Unfortunately, it was full of begonias and I'm just not a fan of them. However, I had volunteered to do a basket for Jean at the farm ( usually known as 'grandma' for anyone who follows my journal ) and she had asked for yellow, orange and reds, which are exactly the colours of the begonias in the basket.

I whizzed over to the farm en route from mum's to work, but Jean was out so I left the basket on the ground, underneath the bracket it will hang from ( too high up for me to reach ). About 3 hours later she phoned to say thank you and how delighted she was with it. I did confess that I hadn't done it!

I shall be buying some of the baskets for myself though, in preparation for next year.

Too nice a day to participate in mono Monday today - hurrah!

P.S. I already know what tomorrow's blip will be - you won't want to miss it if you like 'cuteness'!

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